
藥物食品分析 MEDLINESCIEScopus




最新卷期 20:4
出刊日期 201212
並列刊名 Journal of Food and Drug Analysis
刊期 季刊
ISSN 1021-9498
出版單位 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行/新卷期暫停授權


本刊榮獲「行政院國家科學委員會獎助國內學術研究優良期刊」甲等獎: 八十五、八十六年度...

  • 最新卷期:20:4
  • 出刊日期:201212
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1 Phthalates Exposure and Endocrinal Effects: An Epidemiological Review 黃柏菁、劉紹興、何英剛、江宏哲、黃欣儀、王淑麗 鄰苯二甲酸酯類內分泌荷爾蒙生殖甲狀腺功能神經發展不孕phthalateendocrinereproductionthyroid functionneurodevelopmentinfertilityMEDLINEScopusSCIE
2 Total Dietary Studies and Food Safety Assessment in Taiwan-Food Preservatives as an Illustration) level of an analyte. This ratio, known as the hazard index (HI), must be less ) level of an analyte. This ratio,known as the hazard index (HI), must be less 謝顯堂、黃惠煐、凌明沛、陳玉舜、黃亮瓅、吳秋樺、倪詩蓓、洪慧娟、江舟峰 total diet studyhealth riskfood preservativesbenzoic acidsorbic acid總膳食調查健康風險食品防腐劑苯甲酸已二烯酸MEDLINEScopusSCIE
3 Analysis of Poisoning Cases, Monitoring and Risk Warning for Marine Toxins (TTX, PSP and CTXs) in Taiwan 林文風、黃登福 marine toxinpoisoning casemonitoringrisk warning海洋生物毒中毒案例監測風險預警MEDLINEScopusSCIE
4 Critical Evaluation of Methods for the Measurement of Oxidative Rancidity in Vegetable Oils Marc Pignitter、Veronika SoMoza lipid oxidationvegetable oilsconjugated dieneshydroperoxidesmalondialdehyde脂質氧化植物油conjugated dienes過氧化氫丙二醛MEDLINEScopusSCIE
5 Evolution of the Legislative and Administrative System of Controlled Drugs in Taiwan 李志恒 controlled drugssubstance abuselegislationdrug policyUN conventionsharm reduction管制藥品物質濫用立法毒品政策聯合國毒品公約減害MEDLINEScopusSCIE
6 Identification of Botanical Origin in Chinese Medicinal Preparations by Nested PCR and DNA Sequencing Methods 呂康祖 Nested PCRDNA sequencingITS12S rRNA gene應用巢式PCRDNA定序12S rRNA基因MEDLINEScopusSCIE
7 HPTLC Method Development and Validation: Strategy to Minimize Methodological Failures PATEL RASHMIN、PATEL MRUNALI、DUBEY NITIN、DUBEY NIDHI、PATEL BHARAT HPTLCMethod developmentMethod validation方法開發方法驗證MEDLINEScopusSCIE
8 Dietary Intake of PCDD/Fs and Dioxin-Like PCBs from Fresh Foods around Taiwan 張榮偉、廖寶琦、李俊璋 background levelsPCDD/Fsdioxin-like PCBsfoodsdaily intake背景濃度多氯戴奧辛/呋喃擬似戴奧辛多氯聯苯食物每日攝取量MEDLINEScopusSCIE
9 Chinese Cooking with Ionic Seasonings May Enhance Migration of Perfluorooctanic acid from Food Contact Articles 江舟峰、謝顯堂、許惠琄、張嘉津、凌明沛、黃亮瓅、陳邦維、江光華 food contact articlesmigrationperfluorooctanic acidPFOA食品接觸物件遷移全氟辛酸MEDLINEScopusSCIE
10 Injected Haloperidol-Induced Motor Deficits Are Potentiated in Rats Drinking Green Tea as a Sole Source of Water: Relationship with Dopamine Metabolism in the Caudate TAFHEEM MALIK、DARAKHSHAN JABEEN HALEEM Green TeaCamellia sinensisHaloperidolNucleus AccumbensCaudate PutamenExtrapyramidal SymptomsParkinsonismTardive DyskinesiaTardive Myoclonus食品接觸物件遷移全氟辛酸綠茶錐體外症候群帕金森氏症遲發性不自主運動症候群遲發性肌躍症MEDLINEScopusSCIE

