
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 精神科護理人員藥物治療護理的轉化與體悟
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Transformations and Inspirations With Regard to Medication Therapy in Psychiatric Nursing
作者 張凱雁蕭淑貞劉宜釗蕭妃秀Fei-Hsiu Hsiao康云瑄Yun-Xuan Kang
頁次 11-19
關鍵字 3C成長團體藥物治療護理實務能力3C learning grouppsychopharmacological therapy clinical competency
出刊日期 200903




The main purpose of this research was to explore psychiatric nurses’ growth in psychopharmacological therapy clinical competency following their participation in a clinical practice learning group focused
on Concern, Care and Compassion (3C). Research subjects focused on those who had participated in the 3C learning group. Data was acquired using semi-structured interviews and qualitative study content analysis was employed for data analysis. Research results revealed the following two primary aspects about nurses: (1) Inspiration of the ‘professional self’, including reflection, reawakening and expectation and (2) Transformations in terms of medication therapy, including a shift from careless to caring, understanding, and empathy. Research results are intended to provide clinical psychiatric nurses with a helpful reference on psychopharmacological therapy.
