
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 台灣南部農村社區更年期健康教育指導於改善婦女更年期症狀困擾、自覺不確定感、及健康行為之成效
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Effects of Perimenopausal Health Education Intervention on Perimenopausal Symptoms, Uncertaintye and Health Behavior Among Midlife Women in Rural Communities in Southern Taiwan
作者 白香菊安 奇黃秀麗曹麗英
頁次 60-67
關鍵字 健康教育中年婦女更年期農村社區health educationmid-life womenperimenopauserural communities
出刊日期 200903


本研究目的為探討台灣南部農村社區婦女接受更年期健康教育指導之成效,以更年期自覺不確定感、更年期症狀困擾、以及健康行為量表為成效評值工具。採類實驗設計,於台灣嘉南平原農村地區隨機取樣4個村落,各兩個村落婦女隨機分派為實驗組及對照組。資料收集時間為民國94年8月至95年7月,於前測、第一次後測(介入後3個月)及第二次後測(介入後6個月)測試成效。以重複測量之混合模式(mixed model)追蹤分析健康教育指導的成效。共收案102人(實驗組53人,對照組則為49人)。研究結果顯示更年期健康教育指導的3個月後,可以有效降低婦女自覺不確定感(β = -7.44, p < .05),6個月後有效改善婦女更年期症狀困擾(β = -6.47, p < .05)、及強化婦女健康行為(β = 13.05, p < .05)。建議農村社區持續提供更年期健康諮詢與教育,以增進婦女之更年期自我保健。


This study evaluated the effects, at 3 months and 6 months out, of a perimenopausal health education intervention program administered to mid-life women in rural communities of southern Taiwan. Data was collected between August 2005 and July 2006. The study was a quasi-experimental design, controlled trial for middle aged women. Four neighborhood communities were requested to participate in this study. A randomized method was used to assign two to an experimental group and two to a control
group. Three instruments were used to collect data, including the (1) Perceived Perimenopausal Disturbances Scale, (2) Perceived Uncertainty Scale and (3) Practice of Health Behaviors Scale. The intervention effects from the study baseline to a 6 months follow-up were estimated using a mixed effect model (SAS-MIXED procedure) for repeated measures of health behaviors, perceived uncertainty and perceived perimenopausal disturbances. A total of 102 women were included in this study, with
53 women in the experimental group and 49 women in the control group. After 3 months follow-up,health education intervention had significantly decreased perceived uncertainty (β = -7.44, p < .05).After 6 months, health education intervention had significantly improved perimenopausal disturbances and increased positive health behavior practices (β = -6.47, 13.05, p < .05). Health providers should continue delivering perimenopausal health counseling and health education to women living in rural communities. Hopefully, such will empower rural women to practice self care of their perimenopausal health.
