
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 高雄某教學醫院新進護理人員的工作壓力敘說
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Narrative of Newly Employed Nurses Facing Work Stress in a Kaohsiung Teaching Hospital
作者 李淑莉Shu-Li Li莊玉仙Yu-Hsien Chuang林淑媛Shu-Yuan Lin陳秀月Hsiu-Yueh Chen
頁次 83-90
關鍵字 新進護理人員NarrativeWork stressNew nurse敘說工作壓力
出刊日期 200906




The purpose of this study was to understand the narrative of newly employed nurses facing work stress. Our purposive sample consisted of 54 new nurses in a Kaohsiung teaching hospital. Data from seven focus groups meetings were analyzed by content analysis. Results revealed two themes: firstly, flooding stress included complicated interpersonal interactions, heavy duties and responsibilities, role transitional difficulties, and emotional restraint. Secondly, looking for outlet, which included giving oneself the power to move on, doing with uncertainty and drowning in stress turbulence. The two themes interwove and showed new nurses’ work stress to be part of an acclimation process. The study results increased our understanding about work stress in new nurses and provided information for policy making, nursing education, practice and research.
