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篇名 護理人員跨科訓練之生活經驗
卷期 56:2
並列篇名 The Life Experiences of Nurses Receiving Cross-Training
作者 王梅貴周傳姜
頁次 33-41
關鍵字 跨科訓練生活經驗現象學Cross-trainingLife experiencePhenomenologyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200904


本研究採現象學研究法,旨在探討護理人員接受跨科訓練之生活經驗。自民國九十五年一月至四月以南部某醫學中心護理人員為對象,採滾雪球方式取樣。利用深度訪談及錄音方式收集十二位參與者資料,以Colaizzi (1978)的現象學研究步驟進行資料分析。結果呈現四個主題:欲拒還迎,入境隨俗,苦水肚裡吞與覺醒。護理人員認為跨科訓練是跳脫瓶頸的開始,卻也對未知的情境感到擔憂。於是她們以低調行事、維持表面和諧方式伺機學習,也因為擔心他人評比,使生活充滿焦慮。結束跨科訓練後,雖然回歸原點,但也因自覺更通情達理,視野更寬廣,而重新規劃專業生涯。研究結果呈現護理人員跨科訓練經驗是個辛苦的探索、成長,是讓自己覺醒的文化適應歷程。本研究可提供護理教育及管理者作為未來設計跨科訓練計畫之參考。


The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the life experiences of nurses who re-ceived cross-training. Snowball sampling was used to recruit nurses over a 4-month period (01/2006
to 04/2006) at a medical center located in southern Taiwan. Data were compiled from the audio tran-scripts of 12 participants who completed in-depth interviews in hospitals. Analysis was performed
using Colaizzi’s (1978) methodology. Results emerged along four themes, including: “confict between resistance and acceptance,” “when in Rome, do as the Romans do,” “endure complaints alone,” and
“awareness.” Firstly, nurses felt themselves starting to resolve bottlenecks, but remained anxious about future uncertainties. Next, they maintained a low profle and tried to maintain superfcially amenable
situations, and then took advantage of chances to learn. Finally, the need for nurses to face peer cri-tiques created signifcant anxiety. Once they had gone through these three steps, nurses returned to their ‘normal’ selves, although with broadened perspectives that led them to re-think and re-plan their professional career. In summary, nurses participating in cross-training underwent a process of cultural adaptation. This process was full of opportunities for exploration, growth and self-awareness. To de-sign future cross-training programs, the input of these nurses should be taken into consideration by nursing educators and administrators.
