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篇名 應用跨理論模式於青少年菸害防制之系統性文獻回顧
卷期 56:2
並列篇名 Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Tobacco Prevention Education in Adolescence: A Literature Review
作者 唐善美陳彰惠陳季員
頁次 81-88
關鍵字 跨理論模式行為改變青少年Transtheoretical modelTTMBehavioral changeAdolescenceMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 200904


跨理論模式(Transtheoretical Model, TTM)是一個利用行為改變模式來發展有效的介入措施,以提升健康行為的改變。可針對個別的分期施予適合的介入措施,以達最佳功效。目前台灣尚無對青少年菸害防制活動進行現階段的整合,故本文運用系統性文獻回顧(systematic


The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) is a contemporary psychological model of behavioral change em-ployed to develop effcient interventions to promote healthy behavioral changes. Interventions can be
individualized to the needs of individuals in order to achieve optimal results. No integrated plan cur-rently exists in Taiwan for reducing cigarette use among children. This article presents a systematic
review of TTM, with the goal of constructing a model for protecting teenagers against tobacco-related health risks. Analysis results are hoped to be useful as a reference for developing systematic interven-
tions aimed at reducing the health risks posed to teenagers by cigarette smoking.
