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篇名 文化資本、多元入學管道與學生學習表現—以台東師院為例
卷期 15:1
並列篇名 Cultural capital, multiple entrance paths and student academic performance─A study of the National Taitung Teacher's College
作者 李文益
頁次 1-32
關鍵字 academic achievementmultiple college entrance pathscultural capital學業成績多元入學管道文化資本TSSCI
出刊日期 200406




This study analyzes data collected from the “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow of NTTTC Students” survey, which was conducted in December 2001.The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To examine the factors that influence a student’s decision regarding college entrance paths and 2. to compare the academic performance of students who employed different college entry methods.In order to establish a causal relationship between cultural capital, college entrance paths and academic performance, the researcher used statistical methods to control background variables and cultural capital.Additionally, the researcher tried to determine whether multiple college entrance projects were effective in allowing students to develop their potential.
The findings of this study are as follows: The higher the level of the student’s father’s education, the easier it is for the student to enter the university by recommendation and screening (hereby R&S). Also, the student’s cultural experiences have a positive effect on his or her performance in R&S; however, negative cultural experiences have a negative effect. In general, female students have more positive cultural experiences and fewer negative experiences than male students, thus increasing the chances of a female student’s successful entry.In terms of academic achievement, students who entered the college by R&S outperformed their peers who entered through college entrance examinations. The results also showed that cultural capital is the key factor that impacts academic achievement between the two groups.Finally, students who entered the university by R&S tended to have higher cultural capital and subsequently, higher academic achievement.
