
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 青少年壓力調適、情緒管理與心理健康促進之探討
卷期 34
並列篇名 Stress Adjustment Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health Promotion in Adolescences
作者 江承曉劉嘉蕙
頁次 595-607
關鍵字 Emotional intelligenceStress adjustmentMental healthHealth promotion情緒管理壓力調適心理健康促進心理健康
出刊日期 200812




Health promotion is a very important issue. Adolescences practice health promotion behavior to be a good life style will promote there health situation. Many studies show that stress have a pathophysiological reactivity to health. Positive stress coping, good stress adjustment and high emotional intelligence can reduce psychological depression and upset, and promote person mental health. This study suggest ten strategies to promote psychological health in school. These strategies are: 1. Understanding adolescences stress and the pathophysiological reactivity to health. 2.Promoting stress coping skill. 3.Promoting emotional intelligence. 4.Practicing relax skill. 5.Learning problem solution skill. 6.Learning transcendenal mediation skill. 7.Learning mindfulness skill.8.Promoting spiritual fitness. 9.Practicing leisure sports. 10.Promoting social surport.

