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篇名 臺灣高山田鼠糞便中性類固醇濃度變化與生殖之關係
卷期 11:2、11:2
並列篇名 Changes in Daily Fecal Sex Steroid Concentrations with Relation to Reproductive Cycle of the Formosan Mountain Field Vole (Volemys Kikuchii)
作者 江逸凡陳湘繁陳宣米邱智賢
頁次 21-30
關鍵字 高山田鼠性類固醇酵素免疫分析法生殖周期Formosan mountain field voleVolemys kikuchiiSex steroidsEnzyme-immunoassayReproductive cycle
出刊日期 200907


本研究之目的在應用糞便中性類固醇的分析,探討台灣高山田鼠(Xqngo{u" mkmwejkk)之生殖生理狀態,並提供此一台灣特有動物之基本生殖生理資料。本試驗自2007 年7 月至12 月,於每日上午蒐集飼養於台北市立動物園中的10 隻雌性台灣高山田鼠之糞便,經萃取後,應用酵素免疫分析法(enzyme-immunoassay, EIA)進行性類固醇包括孕酮(progesterone, P4)與雌二醇(estradiol, E2)濃度之分析。結果顯示,未配對之成年雌性高山田鼠糞便中,孕酮與雌二醇於採樣期間存在以4-5 天為1 個周期的變化,顯示其動情周期可能以4-5 天為1 循環。此外,在配對飼養的高山田鼠部分,其糞便孕酮分析結果推測,高山田鼠的懷孕期約為24-25 天。由本試驗應用糞便類固醇萃取及酵素免疫分析系統,初步完成高山田鼠之動情周期與懷孕期的生殖生理相關內泌素變化,並提供此一台灣特有之高山田鼠更完整之生殖生理資料。


The objective of this study was to investigate the reproductive physiology of the Formosan mountain vole (Xqngo{u"mkmwejkk), an endemic species in Taiwan. Fecal samples were collected daily in the morning
from ten adult females (5 unpaired and 5 paired) at the Taipei Zoo during the period from July to December, 2007. The progesterone and estradiol concentrations of the fecal samples were determined with the enzyme-immunoassay (EIA) method. The results revealed that the vole had the progesterone and estradiol cycle of 4-5 days and the gestation period of 24-25 days.
