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篇名 運用治療性遊戲協助一位學齡前期支氣管肺炎病童接受胸腔物理治療之成效
卷期 20:2=66
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Applying Therapeutic Play to Help a Preschooler with Bronchopneumonia to Accept Chest Physiotherapy
作者 張憶青蔡佳玲
頁次 243-252
關鍵字 學齡前期兒童支氣管肺炎胸腔物理治療治療性遊戲PreschoolerBronchopneumoniaChest physiotherapyCPTTherapeutic play
出刊日期 200906




This case report described nursing care of applying therapeutic play to help a preschooler with bronchopneumonia to accept chest physiotherapy (CPT). Due to her withdrawal and resistance to accept medications and steam inhalation, the patient was unwilling to accept chest percussion and intake water, and unable to perform deep breathing, leading to ineffective sputum expelling and lung expansion. We combined emotional outlet play, instructional play, and physiological enhancing play with role play of puppets, a maze of treasure finding games, and positive reinforcement strategies to encourage emotional expression. After completing therapeutic play, the patient were willing to accept steam inhalation, take drugs, receive chest percussion, perform deep breathing exercise, and increase the amount of fluid intake. Nursing goal of CPT was successfully achieved. Pediatric nurses are advised to utilize the concept of atraumatic care and properly apply therapeutic play to help children to accept CPT. Such practice would largely decrease psychological distress and promote adaptation process
