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篇名 照護一位接受人工受孕住院安胎孕婦之護理經驗
卷期 20:2=66
並列篇名 The Nursing Experience of an Artificially Fertilized Pregnant Woman Undergoing Tocolysis in Hospital
作者 蔡宜倫范涵惠張淑真
頁次 263-271
關鍵字 不孕症人工生殖科技安胎InfertilityAssisted reproductive technologyTocolysis
出刊日期 200906




This case report described the nursing experience of an artificial fertilized pregnant woman who received tocolysis beginning from the 20th week of pregnancy. During the nursing period from May 31 to June 28, 2005, the author applied Roy’s Adaptation Model to analyze the collected data and found that the nursing problems included not only side-effect of medication but also conditions caused by long term bed-rest, such as constipation, discomfort, and sensory disturbance. Other problems included fear and anxiety toward premature delivery due to lack of knowledge about tocolysis. Through individual nursing intervention, mental support, and experience exchange with other similar patients, we were able to release patient’s stress and solve her nursing problems. We concluded that the best way to provide proper supports for a safe tocolysis is to understand the problems and stresses of a pregnant woman during bed-rest nursing. The findings are helpful in promoting nursing quality of caring for pregnant woman in tocolysis.
