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篇名 原住民籍照顧服務員工作壓力源、工作生活品質、工作滿足感及其相關因素之研究
卷期 20:2=66
並列篇名 Exploring Sources of Working Stress, Quality of Working Life, and Job Satisfaction among Aboriginal Nurse Aides
作者 林梅香黃慈心徐秀琹王寶鈺李金英
頁次 180-191
關鍵字 原住民照顧服務員工作壓力源工作生活品質工作滿足感Aboriginal nurse aidesWork stressQuality of working lifeJob satisfaction
出刊日期 200906


本研究目的探討原住民籍照顧服務員工作壓力源、工作生活品質及工作滿足感之相關因素。採橫斷性研究設計,針對桃園地區照顧服務員爲研究母群,立意取樣32名原住民籍照顧服務員填寫自陳式問卷。採用SPSS 15.0統計軟體,以描述性統計及典型相關(Canonical Correlation)進行資料分析。研究結果(l)工作壓力源以「任務壓力」最大:(2)工作滿足感以「內在滿足」最好;工作生活品質以「人際互動」最好;(3)工作壓力源各變項,透過典型變項主要影響「內在滿足」及「外在滿足」的工作滿足感(P<.0.1);(4)工作生活品質各變項,透過典型變項主要影響「外在滿足」及「內在滿足」的工作滿足感中(p<.01)。本研究結果可提供長期照護機構輔導原住民籍照顧服務員之相關參考,以提高其工作滿足感。


The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to explore the relationships among the working stress, quality of working life, and job satisfaction in aboriginal nurse aides. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Thirty-two aboriginal nurse aides were selected from long- term care facilities in Taoyuan by purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics and canonical correlation were used for data analysis. Results of the study showed that: (1) "Task pressure" was the major source of stress for aboriginal nurse aides; (2) "Internal Satisfaction" part was identified as the best item in job satisfaction, and "Personal Interaction" was the most favorable part in the quality of working life (p< .01); (3) Sources of working stress had significant effects on both internal and external job satisfactions, identified by canonical correlation analysis (p< .01); and (4) Quality of working life also influenced internal and external job satisfaction (p< .01). Results of this study can provide guidance for assisting aboriginal nurses aids in long- term care facilities to increase their job satisfaction.
