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篇名 全球化時代下歐洲的比較教育研究:角色、反省與重建
卷期 69
並列篇名 Comparative Education in Europe in the Globalization Era in Terms of Role, Reflection and Reconstitution
作者 許彩禪
頁次 93-134
關鍵字 比較教育比較教育研究歐洲全球化歐洲化comparative educationcomparative education researchEuropeglobalizationEuropeanization
出刊日期 201011




Europe and comparative education joined together by interacting each other. Europe, on the one hand, is a target in which the comparative education researchers are interested. On the other hand, comparative education is regarded as a key element to success of European integration. The purpose of the article is to explore the role, reflection, and reconstitution of comparative education studies in the context of Europeanization. The findings indicate the European integration bring the comparative education studies a new opportunity, but at the same time, it also endangers the development of this discipline under such a climate. This article argues that the contribution of comparative education in the process of European integration is based on the values of its political tool rather than its academic values. Furthermore, it also illustrates that some European comparatists gradually returned to the origin of comparative education – historical perspective, for reconciling the contradictory of history and comparison to establish a new perspective for future studies and to bring benefit for European integration. Finally, the article presents five questions deriving from European experience and then propose some suggestions for future studies: (1) to consider what the true comparative education study is, (2) to practice a comparative study based on theory and to construct comparative education theories, (3) to seek the relationship between comparative realities rather than their similarities and differences, (4) to take the respective historical temporality in account while considering the comparability between comparative objects, and (5) to couple the reflections on theory and method with comparative practices.
