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篇名 學習型台灣的建構與發展
卷期 666
並列篇名 To Mould and Develop for Learning Taiwan
作者 楊國賜
頁次 002-012
關鍵字 終身學習學習社會學習型台灣lifelong learninglearning societylearning Taiwan
出刊日期 201012


本文旨在探討我國推展終身學習,建立學習社會的策略,進而完成建構學習型台灣的理想。全文除前言與結語外,共分五部分。首先介紹三個國際組織;包括 UNESCO、OECD 及 EU 等倡導與推動學習社會的情形;其次說明英、美、德、日、韓等五國推動學習社會可供借鏡之處;再次敘述台灣建立學習社會的過程,並提出作者建構學習型台灣的基本架構,進而採取相關策略與方法,以完成建構學習型台灣的理想。


The aims of this paper focus on the ideal of moulding learning Taiwan. This paper includes five parts, first of all it introduces three international organization, UNESCO, OECD and EU to initiate learning society; secondly, it makes some contribution for learning society in UK, USA, Germany, Japan and South Korea; thirdly, it explains the process of forming a learning society in Taiwan; fourthly, the author proposes the blueprint for learning Taiwan. Finally, this paper pays emphasis on taking strategies an action to fulfill the ideal of moulding learning Taiwan.
