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篇名 從州議會到國會:探索美國州議會專業化對議員政治生涯的影響
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 From State Legislatures to Congress: Exploring the Effect of Legislative Professionalism on State Legislators' Career Paths in the United States
作者 俞振華
頁次 129-147
關鍵字 美國州議會美國聯邦眾議院議會專業性晉陞可能性政治生涯U.S. State legislaturesU.S. house of representativesLegislative professionalismLikelihood of advancementPolitical careerTSSCI
出刊日期 201005




This essay explores the extent to which legislative professionalism alters
state legislators’ career paths to Congress in the United States. Using crosssectional data for sixteen Congresses in the period from 1974 to 2004, I argue that the likelihood of advancement to the House of Representatives for state legislators is a quadratic function of legislative professionalism measured by legislative salary. Furthermore, there exists a critical level of legislative salary that maximizes this function. At this critical level, the marginal effect of legislative professionalism on the likelihood of advancement to the House for state legislators goes to zero. Additionally, the effect of state legislative
professionalism on the likelihood of advancement to the House for state
legislators does not differ significantly for Democrats and Republicans.
