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篇名 企業市場導向、關係投資及供應鏈流程整合能力對供應鏈管理績效影響之研究:資訊科技能力調節效果之探討
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 The Study of the Effects of Market-oriented Culture,Relationship-specific Investments and Process Integration Capabilities on Supply Chain Management Performance: The Moderating Role of Information Technology Competence
作者 陳純德范懿文范錚強
頁次 081-099
關鍵字 供應鏈流程整合能力關係觀點特定關係投資市場導向文化資訊科技能力Supply Chain Process Integration CapabilitiesThe Relational ViewMarket-Oriented CultureInformation Technology Competence
出刊日期 201106




Recent recommendations encourage researchers to focus investigations on the supply chain process integration capabilities that integrate a focal firm with its network of suppliers and business customers to create
value for it. Despite the critical role in SCM, theoretical and empirical researches pertaining to the antecedents and consequences of a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities have been limited and piecemeal. The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents and consequences of a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities and the moderating role of IT competence. Based on a sample of 139 sales managers of manufacturing industries in Taiwan, our research findings show that (1) intangible relation-specific investments (business process and domain knowledge)are significantly associated with market-oriented culture; (2) business process specific investment positively influences a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities but domain knowledge specific investment has no significant influence
on a focal firm’s SCPI capabilities; (3) SCPI capabilities positively influence a focal firm’s SCM performance,both operational and strategic benefits; (4) IT competence significantly moderates the relationship between business process specific investment and SCPI capabilities. However, IT competence has no moderating effect on the relationship between domain knowledge specific investment and SCPI capabilities.
Implications for practitioners and researchers and suggestions for future research are also addressed in this study.
