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篇名 校長服務領導、組織文化與創新經營效能關係之研究
卷期 74
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship Among Servant Leadership of Principals, Organizational Culture and Innovative Management Effectiveness
作者 張本文
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 服務領導組織文化創新經營效能servant leadershiporganizational cultureinnovative management effectiveness
出刊日期 201107




"The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationship among servant leadership of principals, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness. The research instrument of this study—“Questionnaire of the Investigation of Servant Leadership of Principals, Organizational Culture and Innovative Management Effectiveness Conditions”. Conclusions of this study are as follows:1. The servant leadership of principals by the primary school teachers belong to middle and upper degree, and the model is assisted is the best.2. The primary school teachers of organizational culture belong to the above-fair level, and hierarchical culture is the best. 3. The innovative management effectiveness belong to middle and upper degree, and environmental efficiency in the campus is the best. 4. Primary school teachers are man, older, holding concurrent jobs of deans and serving at medium and large-sized school, women headmaster, principals serve the school in 1-4 of age and service seniority in your school possess higher servant leadership of principals, organizational culture and innovative management effectiveness.5. If the servant leadership of principals is more positive, will be better of the organizational culture.6. The school has good organization culture, could improve the innovative management effectiveness.7. If the servant leadership of principals is more positive, will be higher of the innovative management effectiveness.
8. The school has good culture of organization, could improve and innovate and manage efficiency.9. The servant leadership of principals and organizational culture has significant prediction capability of innovative management effectiveness. Among them, the Innovative culture” can best predict the innovative management effectiveness."
