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篇名 「國民中小學教師工作壓力量表」之編製
卷期 74
並列篇名 The Development of an Instrument to Measure Work Stress in Teachers: Work Stress Scale of Taiwan Secondary and Elementary Teachers.
作者 劉雅惠
頁次 060-078
關鍵字 國中教師國小教師工作壓力量表elementary teachersecondary teacherwork stress scale
出刊日期 201107




The factorial validity and internal consistency reliability of a scale developed to assess work stress in Taiwan secondary and elementary teachers were investigated. The items of the scale were determined from interviews of 12 secondary and elementary teachers. Data collected from the sample of 420 secondary and elementary teachers (219 elementary teachers; 201 secondary teachers) were subjected to factor analysis followed by varimax and oblique rotations. Based on the result of factor analysis, the scale had 4 subscales: stressor of teaching, guidance and discipline, stressor of administrative, stressor of parents, stressor of time. Based on the result of internal consistency reliability testing, the scale had acceptable reliability.
