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篇名 高職學校行政主管之職能分析
卷期 74
並列篇名 The Competency for Senior Vocation High School Administrators
作者 巫銘昌陳雅雪
頁次 097-119
關鍵字 行政職能高職學校結構方程式Administrative competencyVocational high schoolStructural equation modeling
出刊日期 201107




The purpose of this study is to investigate the job requirement of administrative directors in Taiwan senior high schools, to discuss the required competency, and to exam the self-recognition of job competency these directors have for present jobs. In this study, the works of administrative directors were clarified first through job analysis, then the job description according to the experienced administrative directors. The questionnaire included five scopes that are attitude toward occupation, professional competency, community integration, coordination leadership and management execution. In this research a general survey was conducted to all administrative directors in 23 cities in Taiwan. 890 copies in all were sent out and 362 copies had been handed back. After coding the data accessed from the effectual questionnaire with the structural equation modeling analysis and then have the conclusion and discovery of this research. (1) The competency model of administrative directors is acceptable. (2) This relationships among the five scopes were significant. (3) The profound expertise in the professional field is identified to be the most important administrative competency. (4) In spite of this, the administrative directors are recognized to pose a middle level of administrative competency. (5) These administrative directors particularly lack of social leadership to integrate a variety of educational resources for better school administration and educational quality.
