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篇名 少子化與校園閒置空間再利用之探討
卷期 74
並列篇名 A Study of the Trend of Declining Birth Rate and the Reuse of Vacant School Space
作者 曾雅慧
頁次 213-228
關鍵字 少子化校園閒置空間再利用Declining Birth RateVacant School SpaceReuse
出刊日期 201107




"Accompanying with the tendency of declining birth rate, more and more educational problems have come out, including large number of vacant school spaces because of fewer enrolling students. How to reuse these vacant spaces toward the direction of sustainable development becomes a worth-discussing issue.To avoid resource wasting, to fulfill the requirement of users, and to attend to the principle of sustainability, safety, economy, and suitability, the reuse of vacant school spaces, school spaces and classrooms leave unused because of decreasing users, improper management, and insufficient maintaining fund, is to change the original purpose of the space and facilities, and to afford new functions that can be shared by teachers, students, and people in the community.Thus, with the hope to help these schools facing cutting down and reforming, and to assist sustainable development of these schools, this article would firstly discuss the current situation and problems of declining birth rate, and then address the meaning, the principle, the steps, and the strategic models of the vacant school space reuse."
