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篇名 國家經濟發展考量下之遷校可行性評估:以臺北市某國民中學為例
卷期 74
並列篇名 Under the Circumstance of National Economic Development: A Case Study of Campus Relocation of a Public Middle School
作者 宋秋儀
頁次 229-248
關鍵字 都市更新遷校評估SWOT分析urban developmentcampus relocationSWOT analysis
出刊日期 201107


臺北市南港區的都市更新規模與速度皆為全國之首,稀少的大面積土地被迫妥協於對國家整體經濟有益的公共建設,寧靜的校園也因都更趨勢而面臨學校經營上重大的抉擇。遷校議題對每間學校而言皆有其特殊性,都市與偏鄉反應亦不同。本研究主要是評估個案國中在都會區急速度都市發展下,所面臨的遷校可能性,並透過大量次級資料分析與蒐集,借重公共工程、教育法令與對南港社區教育熟稔之專家學者,進行數次焦點座談,逐步建構適合都更議題下的遷校可行性調查研究架構。最後,本研究達成建構適合於個案學校之SWOT分析研究架構。該 SWOT分析的研究架構建立,對未來面臨類似遷校評估之重大決策,貢獻了重要的經驗分享。實務與學術價值兼具。


During recent years, urban development has run at rapid speed in Nan Kang District, Taipei. The scarcity of large land has forced a couple schools to relocate; thus, larger pubic architect can be built to suit better economics development nation-wide. Every school has different elements and backgrounds to consider in terms of campus relocation issue. This case study aims to explore a metropolitan middle school facing a difficult decision regarding campus relocation. A case study was utilized, and data were collected from a wide variety of government and school official documents. Focus groups were used as a major research technique. The preliminary findings helped researchers to construct a conceptual framework of SWOT analysis that could be specifically useful for related issues. Finally, developing a comprehensive framework of SWOT analysis for school allocation is an important work for both academic and empirical researchers.
