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篇名 Inflammatory Pseudotumor of the Urinary Bladder – A Case Report
卷期 7:3
並列篇名 膀胱發炎性假腫瘤-病例報告
作者 劉善居陳偉權王志生李瀛輝黃榮慶
頁次 159-163
關鍵字 發炎性假腫瘤假惡性肉瘤膀胱免疫組織化學inflammatory pseudotumorpseudosarcomaurinary bladderimmunohistochemistryTSCI
出刊日期 199609




A case of inflammatory pseudotumor (IPS) of the urinary bladder is described. Pseudotumor is rare, and may simulate a malignant tumor either clinically or histopathologically. The outcome is usually favorable after local excision, e.g. transurethral resection of the tumor. Histological examination showed spindle cells in a myxoid background with foci of a loose fascicular pattern, slight capillary proliferation, and inflammatory infiltrate. Immunohistochemical profile of IPS confirmed a myofibroblastic proliferation, and could differentiate IPS from other malignancies of the bladder. It is important to recognize this lesion as benign to avoid potential misdiagnosis and aggressive therapy.
