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篇名 膀胱腫瘤的臨床病理觀察
卷期 4:2
並列篇名 Clinico-pathological Study of Bladder Tumor
作者 林芳樹謝德生蔡崇璋丘祖毅陳淳許德金江萬煊侯書文
頁次 1064-1070
關鍵字 膀胱腫瘤統計TSCI
出刊日期 199306


台大醫院泌尿科自1979年至1985年的7年間,有原發性膀胱腫瘤195例。其中男性148例,女性佔47例,發病年齡60-69歲八為最多。全病例中50歲以上佔88.2%。臨床症狀主要是血尿佔9.49%(185/195)。發現症狀後3個月以內接受診療者佔43.6%。膀胱鏡下腫瘤增殖形態中,乳頭狀有莖性佔41.5%,乳頭狀廣基性佔37.9%,結節狀佔13.8%。非隆起性佔2.1%。病理組織分類中程行性上皮癌佔87.4%,鱗狀上皮癌5.8%,腺癌佔3.7%,倒生性乳頭狀腫瘤佔3.2%。移行性上皮癌的腫癌的腫瘤分化,G I佔9.6%,G II佔47%,G III佔%41.6%,undifferentiated cell 佔0.6%,分類困難者(Gx)佔1.2%。病理分期中,PTis佔0.6%,PTa佔21.3%,PT1佔21.3%,PT1b佔22.0%,PT2佔11.0%,PTa3佔8.5%,PT3b佔11.0%,PT4佔4.3%。腫瘤分化與病理分期具有關連性,膀胱鏡下腫瘤增殖形態與腫瘤分化及病理分期間也是。184例惡性腫瘤中癌細胞已侵犯淋巴管或血管者有53例(29.1%),血管及淋巴管侵犯和病理分期有相當大關連性。初發時治療為TUR-Bt 54例(27.7%),open tumor resection 48例(24.6%),膀胱部分切除術61例(31.3%),膀胱全摘術16例(8.2%)對症療法16例(8.2%)。我們對這些病例臨床及病理組織學加以分析,提出報告。


Statisical studies were performed on 195 primary bladder tumor cases, including 148 males and 47 females treated in the Department of Urology, National Taiwan University Hospital. The highest incidence was found in the 7 th decade, with 88.2% of all cases in those are 50 years of age. The most frequent complaint was painless gross hematuria in 94.9% of the patient (185/195). About 43.6% of all the cases were seen at the clinic within three months from their first symptoms. Cystoscopic findings of tumor were papillary with stalk in 41.5%, papillary with broad base in 37.9%, nodular mass in 13.8% and flat type in 2.1%. Histologically, 87.4% were transitional cell carcinoma; 5.8%, squamous cell carcinoma: 3.7%, adenocarcinoma: and 3.2%, inverted papilloma. Grading of transitional cell carcinoma was G I in 9.6%, G II in 47%, G III in 41.6%, undifferentiated cell in 0.6% and Gx (not clear) in 1.2%. Staging of tumor was done as stage PTis in 0.6%; PTa in 21.3%; Pt1a in 21.3%; PT1b in 2.0%; PT2 in 11.0%; PT3a in 8.5%; PT3b in 11.0% and PT4 in 4.3%. There was little relationship between grade and stage. Cystoscopic findings of tumors correlated well with grade and stage. Incidence of lymphatic or intravascular permeation was 29.1% for there patients (53/184). There was a positive relationship between lymphatic, intravascular permeation and stage. Transurethral reection-bladder tumor was performed in 54 (27.7%), open tumor resection in 48 (24.6%), partial cystectomy in 61 (31.3%), total cystectomy in 16 (8.2%), and conservative treatmenc in 16 (8.2%) cases each.

