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篇名 從貿易小口到宗教中心:十九世紀以來笨港市鎮機能的發展與變化
卷期 14
並列篇名 From Minor Port to Religious Centre: Development and Transition of Ben-Gang’s Town Function since the 19th Century
作者 鄭螢憶
頁次 077-120
關鍵字 朝天宮笨港北港宗教中心私設鐵路貿易private railwayPei-kangBen-gangCh'ao t'ien templeThe Doge's Palace
出刊日期 201107


清代笨港地區的商業貿易主要以轉口米、糖、油等物品為主。清日 交替後,臺灣與中國的貿易往來日漸薄弱,再加上港口淤積,因此 整體商貿急速衰退,郊商紛紛撤資,市況不振。不過,就在明治四 十一年(1908)縱貫鐵路的開通造就兩面性的影響。一方面因為交通 路線的改變,北港的農產品集散功能逐漸遭受取代。另一方面,卻 也因與縱貫鐵路相連的私設鐵路鋪設,縮短香客前往參拜的時間, 提高香客的意願,因此創造大量旅客同時湧入北港。這也促使衰微 的商況逐漸復興、產業進行調整。除原本興盛的油品製造業持續發展外,因應香客需求的線香、金銀紙製造業、經營客棧、物品販賣 等行業興起,導致日治時期北港地區的商業發展與朝天宮產生緊密 的關係,出現一種「宗教經濟」的形態。這也致使臺灣總督府在興 建諸多基礎建設時,必須將其納入考慮,間接加快北港地區的市街 計畫的更新,促使出現以朝天宮為核心的市鎮結構。


Ben-gang is a legal intermediary port which traded for rice, sugar and oil. During the Japanese colonial period, Ben-gang was renamed “Pei-kang”. In this time, Pei-gang’s character of town business had declined rapidly because of the transition of trade and the harbor silt. Even more, Pei-kang’s town function had turned into a religious center due to the private railway. Private railway not only brought Ch’ao ti’en temple lots of pilgrims, but it also had a contribution to grow up Pei-kang’s religious economy.
