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篇名 從激進到基進:我做為小學老師的多元文化教育實踐歷程
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Transformation “within” Radicalism: My Journey through Multicultural Education Practices as an Elementary School Teacher
作者 陳鴻文
頁次 061-092
關鍵字 小學老師多元文化教育初心敘說實踐elementary school teachersmulticultural educationoriginal
出刊日期 201205


本文係因我遭逢了一道生命難題而開啟的敘說之旅。文中檢視我說自己故事前的摸索與掙扎,以及做為一位小學老師的認同焦慮。經歷過 3所學校的文化洗禮及個人的多重身分轉變後;我用實踐的知識重新反思自己從事教育的初心,並在情緒勞動的教學現場尋找可能的實踐路徑。與自己的經驗對話後,我發現校園中既有的社會結構與價值觀雖有箝制之作用,但是做為小學老師的作用即在轉譯弱勢與優勢之間的文化差異,避免自身的偏見造成對弱勢孩子的誤解。此外,校園中的情緒勞動部分是出自於同儕之間的利益共構,而發展陣地戰的抵抗是策略之一。最後,從激進到基進的自我探索過程中,我體悟出小學老師本身就是一種潛在課程,對孩子邁向一個成熟的個體有舉足輕重的影響。因此,我回到教學中經營對話式的師生關係,試圖將套裝知識與經驗知識扣連,來型塑自己的教學風格與身影。


This research resulted from facing a dilemma in my life when I started to do the dialogue with myself. This paper examines the exploration and struggle I've been through and the anxiety about my identity as an elementary school teacher. After experiencing the various cultures of all three of the schools I've taught at and the changes of various personal identities, I employ practice theories to reflect on my original intention to be a teacher and seek for possible approaches to being an active agent in the classroom where school teachers mainly do emotional work. During the process of having the dialogue regarding my own experiences, I realized that elementary school teachers in themselves are hidden curricula. For although the dimension of school teachers seems not to be important, their influence on the process, whereby students become mature individuals, is implicit and enormous. Besides, it is my belief that teaching is a process of cultural practices and the only way to put the essence of multicultural education into effect is to do practice whatever the theories or issues involved. If school teachers are able to uncover the power structure and ideology inside the classroom, the effect of cultural hegemony wouldn't go so smoothly. It has the exact meaning of putting multicultural education into practice. Thus, although the existing social structures and values are constraints for multicultural education, they are also the start of putting multicultural education into practice.
