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篇名 行銷組合應用於博物館教育活動推廣之研究:以國立科學工藝博物館為例
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Application of Marketing Mix in Promotion of Education Activities:A Case Study of the National Science and Technology Museum
作者 陳訓祥張秀娟劉佳儒
頁次 005-024
關鍵字 博物館教育活動行銷組合museum educational activitiesmarketing mix
出刊日期 201206


本研究以國立科學工藝博物館為個案研究,資料蒐集方法採用參與觀察和次級資料分析,首先分析彙整該館2008-2011 年辦理教育活動資料為基礎,採用行銷組合做為4 年來分析架構。本究主要貢獻在採用7ps 做為個案博物館教育活動之分析架構,結果具
有可行性和合理性。本研究結果呼應文獻中提及館外延伸服務確為博物館產品重要通路之一;同時亦發現因活動性質及資源多寡,在活動收費上確實呈現出多元化,此點適切印證文獻。本研究顯現個案博物館在產品設計及推廣過程,極為重視人力資源管理和運用,同時亦呈現服務流程標準化及事後評核工作的重要性。本研究未提出各面向之整合效益分析,而有所不足,但未來有深入探討的價值;對於7ps 間之脈絡因果關係,無法就現有資料加以探討,是為侷限之處。


The National Science and Technology Museum, located in Kaohsiung City of Southern Taiwan, is the first museum of applied science on the island. This study takes the museum as a case study with participant observation and secondary data analysis as data collection method. First, the study analyzes the educational activities in 2008-2011 based on the analytical framework of the marketing mix 7ps. The main contribution of this study verifies the feasibility and rationality of this application. The findings reveal the outreach service of the museum is one of the important places for the products as mentioned in the literature.
Due to the nature of the activities and available resources, the fee of activities is different. This study also highlights the importance of human resources management for the product design and promotion process. The study also appears the importance of standardization of service processes and post-assessment. This limitation of study exists in not showing the overall effectiveness analysis and discussing the casual relationship between 7ps.
