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篇名 一位罹患膽結石術後併發膽道阻塞病患之護理經驗
卷期 16
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of a Biliary Tract Obstruction Patient after Gallstone Surgery
作者 孫宜欣蔡麗紅蘭素珍
頁次 61-70
關鍵字 膽結石膽道阻塞焦慮體溫過高知識需求疼痛gallbladder stonebiliary tract obstructionanxietyhyperthermianeeds of knowledgepain
出刊日期 201206




This case study describes the nursing experience of caring for a patient with biliary tract obstruction after the surgical procedure of removing gallbladder stones. From April 20 to May 10, 2008, the author utilized nursing-care physical assessments and interviews for data collection. Based on Gorden’s 11-item functional health assessment, the patient’s health problems were identified as the following: hyperthermia, acute pain, anxiety, and needs of knowledge regarding home care of the drainage tube. The author established a successful nurse-patient relationship and applied the skills of accompanying and listening to the patient with the nursing process to help the patient resolve her worries. The nursing interventions employed included lessening anxiety, alleviating pain, and reducing body temperature. Educational content for drainage-tube-related home care was also provided. The individual nursing experience in this article can serve as a reference for others who are caring for gallbladder-stone patients.
