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篇名 「虛」之技藝--《莊子》「季咸見壺丘」的隱喻書寫
卷期 13
並列篇名 Technique of
作者 林久絡
頁次 047-058
關鍵字 莊子隱喻修養境界統治技藝ZhuangziMetaphorEmptinessRealms of cultivationTechniques of domination
出刊日期 201212




The story of "Ji-xian meets Hu-qiu" in "Zhuangzi" which had been attention-getting was still hard to properly interpret. The question is: "the four demonstrations of Master Hu" should be treated as realms of cultivation? techniques of domination? both or neither? I thought the question must implicate the concept "technique" regardless of what interpretations we took. The concept "technique" refers to the subject's self-cultivation on the one side, and to the domination over others on the other side. No wonder so many interpretations waved between two pole of "cultivation-domination". I will epochē the general reading assumptions, by following the context to analyze the metaphors, and let representation thinking turn to procreation thinking to anticipate what will "happen" when we as readers meet this demonstrations. Finally, I will propose my opinion about why the chapter title "responses for emperors and kings" can accommodate both interpretations as "realms of cultivation" and "tech- niques of domination".
