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篇名 前漢少府所轄中都官獄考
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Research to the Choungduguan Jails belong to Shaofu in the West Han Dynasty
作者 陳中龍
頁次 085-104
關鍵字 前漢少府中都官獄Han DynastyShaofuJailChoungduguan
出刊日期 201212




Shaofu have the most amount institutions in Zhang-an, there are jails set up in "Daoguan"(□官)、\"Ruolu"(若盧)、\"Kaogong"(考工)、\"Zhishi"(織室)、\"Yeting"(掖庭)and "baoshi"(暴室). The six jails belong to the Choungduguan, although the "Xubaiguanzhi" (續百官志)says the jails of Choungduguan are abolished in the emperor of Guangwu(光武),but there are attestations to prove the "Ruoluyu" and "Yetingyu" still exise in the Eastern Han Dynasty. This thesis uses the excavations, try to find these jails' positions in Zhang-an, at present time we could explain these jails' positions preliminarily. Shaofu is a private apparatus for the emperor, one of the purposes to establish these Shaofu jails is using the labors of the criminals. For example, the jails of "Daoguan"、\"Kaogong"、\"Zhishi"、\"Yeting" are for the purpose, but "Ruoluyu" is for the especial identity of the criminals. The sources of the criminals are not also themselves, but other institutions will provide in Zhang-an.
