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篇名 孫楷第先生與《中國通俗小說書目》的編纂
卷期 13
並列篇名 Sun Kai-di and the Compiling of Bibliography of Ancient Chinese Popular Novels
作者 龔敏
頁次 105-119
關鍵字 孫楷第古代小說預流中國通俗小說書目版本Sun Kai-diAncient novelPreliminary currentYu LiuBibliography of Ancient Chinese Popular NovelsVersion
出刊日期 201212




This essay tries to refer that: firstly "Preliminary Current (Yu liu)" which was drawn by Chen Yin-que in the first years of Republic of China, is not a concept referring to Tunhuangology, it also happened in other newly rising fields, such as novel study. The achievements made by SUN Kai-di in the field of ancient Chinese popular novel study, is somehow a kind of "Preliminary Current". Secondly, comparing and analyzing the version revising of "Bibliography of Ancient Chinese Popular Novels", notify the spirit of "choosing and holding what is good" of SUN Kai-di, and the subtle change in his state of mind. Thirdly, the academic value and significance of Sun and his bibliography will be evaluated. Fourthly, There are three versions of this Bibliography. The publishing houses should keep revising and editing along with the progress of time, rather than printing the old versions, so that it could be widely used.
