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篇名 國際志工服務學習與大學生發展之關係--以「朝陽科技大學2012寒假國際志工緬甸服務學習計畫」為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Relationship between Service Learning of International Volunteer and College Student Development--Chaoyang University of Technology 2012 Service-Learning of International Volunteer in Myarmar Project
作者 張有恒陳明國
頁次 171-189
關鍵字 國際志工服務學習大學生發展International volunteerService learningStudent development
出刊日期 201212




When Colleges encourage students to participate in international voluntary services, they have to consider not only the assistance for the local community and budget, but also the extracurricular learning and personality development through the special experience of Service-Learning. This study used focus group interview to confer the relationship between participating in international voluntary services and Chickering's seven vectors of student development for college students by a case, the project of Chaoyang University 2012 international voluntary service in Myanmar. In the result, there are obvious connections in managing emotions, moving through autonomy toward interdependence and developing mature interpersonal relationships; As developing purpose and developing integrity, students steady their original purposes and targets. Also they would like to participate in where need to assist. The project doesn't enhance student's developing competence, but arouses their study attitude and construct their cognition more positive; There is no much change about Establishing identity. In addition, from the process of interview, students think that introspection is very important during the period of service. Students could learn more through correct introspection which could encourage students to think deeply.
