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篇名 服務-學習課程理論之芻議
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Study on the Service-Learning Curriculum Theory
作者 劉振維
頁次 121-144
關鍵字 服務學習服務-學習課程理論ServiceLearningService-learningCurriculumTheory
出刊日期 201212


本文係針對教育部於大專校院推動「服務-學習」課程之立論提出哲學反省。透過教育部與大專校院之論述,「服務-學習」課程多以經驗學習為其依據,最常引述地是杜威(John Dewey, 1859-1952)的「經驗理論」(theory of experience)與庫伯(David A. Kolb, 1939-)的「經驗學習循環」(experiential learning circle)。本文透過所著原典,指出庫伯論點提出檢測學習風格雖有助於學生學習,但論者忘卻其最終目標是為了達到企業整體經營良善的組織行為而立論的;並指出引述最多的杜威「從做中學」(learning by doing)一說,乃是就兒童教育之學習而言的,此說與杜威生存於工業革命(industrial revolution)所帶來之問題的環境密切相關。但無論是何人的經驗學習理論,都得面臨知識學習果真都是從經驗中體驗而來、以及解決問題不必然是由經驗學習中方能成立等之質疑。同時,教育部於推動「服務-學習」課程乃是一種溫和式的強迫行為,而此則與所依據經驗學習之立論是悖道而馳的。又推動「服務-學習」課程四步驟,竟是取自美國運用於「中等學校」的說法作為依據。是以透過哲學反思,本文以為以如是論述作為教育政策顯而易見是十分危險的。故建議現行「服務-學習」課程之推動,當應重新省思其立論與目標、手段的一致性。全文區分三部分論述:一探討「服務-學習」課程的理論依據,二探討庫伯的「經驗學習循環」論,三研析杜威的「經驗理論」,四由哲學反省現行「服務-學習」課程立論的可能問題。最後作一結論。


This article has proposed philosophic reflection directed at "Service-Learning" curriculum in college. The discussion of the Ministry of Education and colleges, they proposed the "Service-Learning" curriculum has operated by experiential learning. Their theory has been constructed according to "theory of experience" by John Dewey(1859-1952) and "experiential learning circle" by David A. Kolb(1939- ). The article has pointed out some scholars thought Kolb's theory, the detection of learning style, can help students to learning. However, Kolb's theory has been proposed to for the overall situation of enterprise has better. Some scholars applied Dewey's "learning by doing" in colleges, but Dewey's theory is to for children. The Ministry of Education has promoted the four steps of "Service-Learning" curriculum, taken from the method of USA used in "secondary schools". The article thought the "Service-Learning" curriculum is dangerous, and therefore we should to reflect that the unity of the purpose and the medium. The article has separated three parts: 1. to investigate the theory of "Service-Learning" curriculum. 2. to investigate into Kolb's "experiential learning circle". 3. to investigate into Dewey's "theory of experience". 4. to reflect the argument of "Service-Learning" curriculum. Last, it would to be a conclusion.
