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篇名 大學生參與服務學習動機、反思與領導能力之關聯性探討
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Relationships among Motivation, Reflection and Leadership for University Students of Participating in Service-Learning
作者 張同廟
頁次 145-170
關鍵字 反思服務學習參與動機領導能力LeadershipParticipating motivationReflectionService-learning
出刊日期 201212




The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation of participating in service-learning among motivation, reflection and leadership of university students. The survey method was adopted for this study. Participants were 795 students in selected 24 universities in Central and Southern Taiwan. The data were analyzed by item analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, pearson's correlation, regression analysis and Sobel test for the mediating variable, etc. The major findings of this study are follows: (1) The university students of participating in service-learning are at a middle-high level of motivation, reflection and leadership. (2) The university students of participating in service-learning are positive correlation of among motivation, reflection and leadership. (3) Reflection is the important mediating variables between motivation and leadership toward the university students in service-learning. At last, based on the findings, this study provided several recommendations for universities and future research as a reference.
