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篇名 從科技與倫理的跨域對話談道德的基本認知:以「網路法與網路倫理」課程為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Technological Law and Professional Ethic: An Example from the Course 'Internet Law and Ethic'
作者 徐振雄
頁次 191-218
關鍵字 科技法學專業倫理跨域對話網路法與網路倫理Technological lawProfessional ethicInterdisciplinary dialogueInternet law and ethic
出刊日期 201212




The law discipline and law education concerning work ethic of the general education in college ought to put its emphases on the interdisciplinary considerations between ethic and law in order to obtain collaborative effects to contain the abuse of technological rights and the violation of human dignity. The interdisciplinary thinking of law and ethic simultaneously takes into consideration the social norms in both the legal and the ethic senses. It does not only deal with ethics, but also deal with legal decision-making to deliver solutions for ethical issues. With this in mind, educators of interdisciplinary courses have to know how to create a good environment to interest students trying to think about the issues between law and ethic. With materials from the course 'The Internet Law and Ethic' that I taught in 2010 as part of the MOE's Project of Innovations in Law Education, the purpose of this study is to provide basic interdisciplinary contemplation on issues between technological law and professional ethic in teaching the course and offer my personal opinions for the design of courses dealing with technological law and professional ethic in order to cultivate students in interdisciplinary thinking where general education is concerned. This enables students to learn the basic spirit of the law and equip themselves with problem-solving abilities.
