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篇名 臺灣高中地理科課程綱要的演變 趨勢與特色——兼談中國與香港 現行的高中地理科課程標準
卷期 63:2
並列篇名 The tendency and features of the Evolution of Senior High School Geography Curriculum Guidelines in Taiwan-Also the glimpse into the High School Geography Course Standard in China and Hong Kong
作者 吳育臻
頁次 032-050
關鍵字 84課標95暫網99課綱課程設計地理議題84 curriculum standards95 temporary curriculum guidelines99 curriculum guidelinesgeographic issue
出刊日期 201206


臺灣在民國84年教育部修訂課程標準,開放民間編輯高中教科書版本後,課程標準(綱 要)變得非常重要,因為各家出版社編輯的教科書必須根據課程標準(綱要)來撰寫,而國 立編譯館也是根據課程標準(綱要)來審查這些教科書内容。這一年開放版本所依據的是84 年課程標準,之後為了配合國中小九年一貫課程的實施與銜接,遂有「95普通高級中學暫行 課程綱要」的修訂,其後又有較為正式的「99普通高級中學課程綱要」》由於這三次課程標 準或網要的内容決定了臺灣高中階段地理科的内容,對地理學的發展具有指標性的作用,故 本文目的即在分析這三次課程標準或綱要修訂内容的演變趨勢,並歸納其特色。同時也初步 比較中國和香港高中階段地理科課程的内容。本文採用内容分析法,主要將課綱分為「通論 地理」、「區域地理」以及「應用地理」三大類別來作比較與分析。
結果發現95暫綱「通論地理」部分比84課標份量多,並首度出現「地理實察」這個主 題;「區域地理」的份量則減少了一冊,並且不再是以文化内涵來表現區域特色,而是以 經濟發展程度來表現區域。此外,95暫綱和99課綱都以「地理議題」作為應用地理的主要内 容。新課綱的最大特色就是納入這個世紀新的地理概念或新的經濟現象,在課綱的引導下, 經濟發展程度成為臺灣高中學生理解世界的重要指標。


After 1995,when government opened the edited rights of senior high school textbooks for publishers in Taiwan, the curriculum standards or the curriculum guidelines became very important. Because the publishers must compose textbooks according to the curriculum standards or the curriculum guidelines, and the National Institute for Compilation and Translation also examines these textbooks contents according to the curriculum standard or the curriculum guidelines.
From that time on,the Ministry of Education announced the curriculum guidelines revision three times altogether, these are 84 curriculum standards,95 temporary curriculum guidelines and 99 curriculum guidelines. Because these three curriculum standards or guidelines contents had decided Geography subject contents in high school stage of Taiwan, so it is worth studying.
Therefore this article analysis these three curriculum standard or guidelines contents, search for the evolution tendency, and induces its characteristics. The article also initially compares the China and the Hong Kong geography subject’ s course standard content in high school stage simultaneously.
