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篇名 從人與病的遭逢談自我轉化:女性經歷婦科疾病與治療歷程的自我敘事
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Self-transformation through Suffering from the Illness: A Narrative Research of a Woman Undergoing Gynecological Diseases and Treatment Process
作者 鄭佩芬周傳姜
頁次 091-124
關鍵字 敘事研究婦科疾病自我自主narrative researchgynecological diseasesselfautonomy
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.3966/207466012013060501004




Being sick usually involves a process of physical, mental and spiritual suffering. Women undergoing gynecological diseases tend to experience much more serious suffering than most other sick people. This research is a narrative research based on constructivism. It aimed at exploring a woman's life experiences and self dialogue through her illness and medical process. The research data were transcribed from researcher's self-narration and analyzed from an externalized position. Some themes emerged from the analysis as the following. First of all, the meaning of illness is more complicated than disease, and a woman with illness related to infertility would experience suffering not only physically but also psychologically, even in the crisis of self identity. Secondly, gender and professional authority oppressed the autonomy of female patients. Finally, individual would still elevate self-transformation through self-dialogue, self-awareness and making harmony with an ontological self.
