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篇名 鋼製柵狀擋土牆工法在災後重建邊坡修復之應用與研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Application and Research of Steel Slit Retaining Wall Method in Slope Repair of Post-disaster reconstruction
作者 柯武德
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 鋼製柵狀擋土牆工法生態工法加勁擋土牆Steel slit retaining wall methodEcological engineering methodReinforced retaining wall
出刊日期 201310


近年來全球氣候變遷,極端降雨導致邊坡災害不斷,邊坡修復成爲重建工程之重要項目之一。日本之營建技術水準爲世界首屈一指且日本與台灣之地質、地形地貌相近,在日本有多種加勁擋土牆之新工法,本文首先介紹鋼製柵狀擋土牆工法之特性,並對於從日本引進台灣,應用於莫拉克颱風重建工程中遭遇之問題及處理方面進行討論,得知本工法可應用於災後重建邊坡修 復,期待廣泛應用於台灣地區之公共工程。


In recent years, global climate change, extreme rainfall often led to slope disasters, Slope repair become one of the important projects of Post-disaster reconstruction. Japan's construction technology standards for the world's premier and Japan and Taiwan, geology, topography similar, a variety of new reinforced retaining wall method in Japan, the paper first introduces the steel slit retaining wall method. Discussion applies to Typhoon Morakot Post-disaster reconstruction encountered problems and deal with. Learned this construction method can be applied to the reconstruction slope repair. Expect widely used in Taiwan's public works.
