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篇名 長週期光纖光柵感測器於溶液濃度及溫度之研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 The Study of Long Period Fiber Grating in the Solution Concentration and Temperature Sensors
作者 許仕
頁次 057-064
關鍵字 長週期光纖光柵共振波長有效折射率纖核纖殼long period fiber gratingresonant wavelengtheffective refractive indexfiber corefiber cladding
出刊日期 201310


本文是運用長週期光纖光柵(LPG)之共振波長(λ),會隨著光纖光柵外層纖殼接觸待測溶液,而改變有效折射率(neff)的特性,製作出濃度及溫度感測器。在製作過程中,先用緩衝氧化蝕刻液(BOE),內含7%氫氟酸(HF)蝕刻部分纖殼,讓其製作出來之LPG共振波長必須位移至1550nm-LED寬頻光源可以量測的範圍內。如此方可用來量測各種溶液特性之變化,如溶液濃度及溫度之改變。實驗結果發現,未經過蝕刻LPG感測器對水溫靈敏度為0.20 nm/℃,經過蝕刻過的LPG感測器對水溫靈敏度可以提升到0.68 nm/℃,約3.4倍。當鹽水溶液濃度從0%上升至25 %時,LPG共振波長會從1566.6位移至1559.8 nm,總位移量為6.8 nm。而糖水溶液濃度從0%上升至50%時,LPG共振波長會從1562.4 位移至1529.0 nm,總位移量為33.4 nm。由上述資料得知,LPG可以作為濃度及溫度感測器。


This thesis, we use the long-period fiber grating (LPG) of resonance wavelength (λ), with the change in the effective refractive index of the outer cladding touching the solution to be measured characteristics, making these concentration and temperature sensors. In the production process, first, with the buffered oxide etching (BOE) solution, containing 7% hydrofluoric acid (HF), to etch part of the cladding, its production out of the sensing element can be used to measure various solution characteristics change, and further use in the study of the solution concentration and temperature. The experimental results showed that has not been etched LPG sensor water temperature sensitivity of 0.20 nm/°C, However, after etching off the LPG sensor sensitivity to water temperature can be raised to of 0.68 nm /, about 3.4 times℃ in the former; When aqueous salt solutions from 0% rising to 25%, the LPG resonant wavelength is moved from 1566.6 to 1559.8 nm, the total displacement amount is 6.8 nm. The concentration of sugar water solution, from 0% rising to 50%, the LPG resonance wavelength shift from 1562.4 to 1529 nm, the total displacement amount is 33.4 nm. From the above data, LPG can be used as concentration and temperature sensors.
