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篇名 OEM的自我品牌之路
卷期 26
並列篇名 The Way of Private Brand for OEM
作者 曾貝莉
頁次 111-128
關鍵字 自我品牌代工毛利率OEMprivate brandrate of profit
出刊日期 201310




The advantage of original equipment manufacturers (OEM) won’t exist any more when the wage increases and the rate of profit of OEM decreases. The OEM tries to develop the private brand product but that will cause the original brand factory to cancel the OEM order. Is it necessary for the OEM to develop the private brand product? This is what we want to discuss. Most of the existing literature focuses on the case study or empirical evidence and there is not much analysis on the private brand with theory model.
This paper studies the strategic selection of OEM to develop the private brand product with Mathematica software under Manufacturer Stackelberg in a four-stage many-person non-cooperative game to find the key factors to develope the private brand. The results show that whether the OEM to develop the private brand or not will depend on the products cost. The OEM won’t develop the private brand when the cost is not high due to the manufacturers’ threat to give up the OEM order. On the contrary, the OEM will develop the private brand to raise the additional value when the cost is high.
