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篇名 以內容分析法探討產業特殊性對服務失誤與補救模式之影響
卷期 26
並列篇名 Use Content Analysis to Explore the Service Failure and Recovery Model within the Impact of Industry Specialty
作者 蔡政宏李幸紋
頁次 129-146
關鍵字 服務失誤顧客反應服務補救再惠顧行為內容分析法service failurecustomer responseservice recoverycustomer retentioncontent analysis
出刊日期 201310




The occurrence of service failure will result to customer dissatisfaction, and loss of customers. Good service recovery will transform dissatisfied customers to become loyal customers. However, service recovery measures will vary for different industries. This study aims to conduct service failure and service recovery in financial services, food and beverage, retail, and medical industry. This study adopts a qualitative exploratory research. The result shows that (1) There are different service failure types in different industry. (2) Most of these firms do not adapt a suitable service recovery method. (3) Service recovery methods are similar even in the different service failure situation. (4) The relationships among service failure, service recovery, and customer retention are appeared, but not the same in different industry. The service provider for food and beverage and retail industry will apologies, give explanation, psychological remedy and et cetera.
