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篇名 複數冪級數在微分問題上的應用
卷期 26
並列篇名 Application of Complex Power Series on the Differential Problems
作者 余啟輝
頁次 209-224
關鍵字 複數冪級數逐項微分定理Maplecomplex power seriesdifferentiation term by term theoremMaple
出刊日期 201310




This paper mainly studies the application of complex power series to the differential problems of four types of functions. We can obtain any order derivatives of these four types of functions by using differentiation term by term theorem, and hence greatly reduce the difficulty of evaluating their higher order derivative values. In addition, we propose four functions to find their any order derivatives and some of their higher order derivative values practically, and the answers of these higher order derivative values are presented in infinite series forms. On the other hand, we employ the mathematical software Maple to calculate the approximations of these higher order derivative values and their infinite series forms.
