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篇名 玉米、培地茅及痲瘋樹對戴奧辛/呋喃的吸收及累積之研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Uptake and Accumulation of Maize、Vetiver and Physic Nut for PCDD/Fs-contanminted Soil
作者 吳裕民陳珊玫楊磊
頁次 251-262
關鍵字 戴奧辛呋喃植生復育生物累積DioxinFuranPhytoremediationBioaccumulation
出刊日期 201310


本研究以溫室盆栽實驗的方式,探討玉米(maize)、培地茅(vetiver)及痲瘋樹(physic nut)等三種植物對於土壤中PCDD/Fs的吸收、傳輸及分布的趨勢,以及植物根部對根圈微生物的影響。研究結果顯示玉米、培地茅及痲瘋樹皆能夠生長於高濃度戴奧辛污染土壤。植物對於PCDD/Fs的吸收則以根部為主,少量的PCDD/Fs可傳輸至地上部(shoot),但是三種植物中PCDD/Fs的分布有所差異,玉米根部的吸收濃度最高,地上部則以培地茅的吸收濃度較高。一般高log Kow值的化合物,具有強烈的親脂性,而本究結果顯示具高log Kow的PCDD/Fs同源物,其根部log BAF (bioconcentration factor)越低,是影響植物吸收與傳輸的主要因素。種植植物的土壤中總菌落數明顯高於未種植物的實驗組,顯示根部可改善土壤中的物化環境,促進根圈微生物的生長,其中以玉米的效果最為明顯。


A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the uptake and accumulation of PCDD/Fs in maize (Zea mays), vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides) and physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) and the effect of plant root on microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil. The result showed three plants were able to grow in the high concentration of PCDD/Fs-contaminated soil. PCDD/Fs were detected in the root and shoot of three plant after test, but roots took up most of the PCDD/Fs compared with shoots. Due to the differences of plant species, the distribution of PCDD/Fs in the plant tissue was different. The root of maize and the shoot of vetiver could absorb the highest concentrations. The root bioconcentration factors (BAF) of PCDD/Fs was calculated and correlated with log Kow. The log Kow values express the hydrophilic or hydrophobic of pollutants. PCDD/Fs congeners were taken up by the roots of plant, and the translocation of PCDD/Fs to the shoot was inversely related to congeners hydrophobicity. The high log Kow was a main factor that influence the uptake and translocate of PCDD/Fs by plants. As the numbers of chlorine of PCDD/Fs increases, log BAF of plants were lower . In our study, the most effcient plant species for the uptake of PCDD/Fs promoted the growth of the highest number of total bacteria compared to the unplanted.
