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篇名 Spencer的實用課程觀及其在當代課程史上的影響
卷期 238
並列篇名 The Ideas of H. Spencer in the Curriculum and Its Influence in the History of Curriculum
作者 鄭玉卿
頁次 049-063
關鍵字 Spencer實用課程觀課程史H. Spencerpragmatic curriculum perspectivehistory of curriculum
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238004




"Learning" and "using" issues have been an important concern for the course selection in the history of curriculum, especially in the modern industrial society, the idea of how to apply the knowledge has been a key indicator for the curriculum. In the history of the modern curriculum, anyone who mentioned the education should be referred to prepare for complete living, he always considered Herbert Spencer is the pioneer. Spencer had already brought out the question about what is the most valuable knowledge for students in the middle of 19th century. He proposed that all schools should think about the relative value of knowledge and offered that "science" should be the core value of curriculum. Therefore, to select the most valuable knowledge for students as the teaching materials in order to make them have the ability to adapt to a democratic society and improve their life quality is the central idea. His opinion of pragmatic curriculum perspective plays a leading role in the history of curriculum. This article will discuss his curriculum perspective and the importance and influence in the contemporary history of curriculum.
