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篇名 農村地區國中學生的文化資本與學習經驗之研究
卷期 238
並列篇名 A Study of the Rural Junior High School Students' Cultural Capital and Learning Experience
作者 陳珊華
頁次 064-078
關鍵字 文化資本城鄉差異課程詮釋學習策略cultural capitaldiversity between urban and rural areascurriculum interpretationlearning strategies
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238005




At present, differentiated instruction is highly valued; however, there is still few studies focus on the student curriculum interpretation in rural areas in Taiwan. The students themselves possess the cultural capital, and the diversity of the educational resources which they obtained could be key factories to the students’ learning outcomes. The research was carried out at secondary school located in the rural area of south middle Taiwan with qualitative approach. By means of observation, interview and document analysis, data was gathered from the class of second year in junior high school. The purposes are to understand the cultural capital of the rural junior high school students, and how it affects their curriculum interpretation, and their learning strategies. The study found that those students had poorer culture capital so that they had to recite and memorize for the curriculum. Only understanding the contents of learning, students can extend the further learning and accumulate culture capital.
