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篇名 偏鄉特色小學創新經營的個案研究與省思
卷期 238
並列篇名 Innovative management of A Featured Elementary School in Remote Area
作者 何俊青
頁次 079-092
關鍵字 特色小學偏鄉創新經營featured elementary schoolremote areainnovative management
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238006


本研究旨在探討一所偏鄉特色小學的創新經營策略,評估其創新經營的成效,並就本個案研究發現提出研究者的省思。研究方法採用個案研究法,以深度訪談與文件分析蒐集資料。 主要研究發現歸納成行政管理、課程與教學、知識分享、外部關係、資訊科技與環境營造等六大層面來探討。評估個案學校創新經營的效益歸結成四點來分析,分別為:一、能對弱勢兒童實施全方位的照顧;二、少數族群展現對課程內容詮釋的主體性;三、補貼生活費用能提升弱勢族群子女對自我文化的認同;四、小學服務的範疇由國民教育擴大至社區教育。整體而言,個案學校的創新經營相當有成效。 此種創新經營模式也引發研究者省思幾個問題,包括「弱勢學校在申請方案時反而是強勢」、「萬能學校是否導致無能父母尚無定論」、「多種資源對學生有利,但可能與校本課程甚至願景無關」、「校長主導,以創新內容為主的經營模式恐缺乏延續性」與「令人擔憂的馬太效應」等。


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Innovative management strategies of a featured elementary school in remote area, to assess the effectiveness of its Innovative management and to propose the researcher’s reflection based on the findings of this case study. This study used case study method, in-depth interviews and document analysis to collect data. The main research findings were divided into six major aspects for discussion: administrative management, curriculum and teaching, knowledge sharing, external relations, information technology and environmental building. This study assessed and analyzed the effectiveness of Innovative management of the case school from four aspects, including; (1) the ability to provide a full range of care for disadvantaged children; (2) minority group’s expression of subjectivity in the interpretation of course content; (3) living subsidy can improve disadvantaged children’s identification for their own culture; (4) the expansion of service scope of elementary school from national education to community education. As a whole, the Innovative management of the case school was very effective. Such an Innovative management model also triggered the researcher’s reflection on several issues, including disadvantaged schools may be favored in terms of the application for programs," "it is inconclusive whether comprehensive schools lead to incompetent parents, " "multiple resources may be beneficial to students, but irrelevant to the school curriculum or vision, " "there may be a lack of continuity in school principal-led innovative content-based management model" and "the worry over Mathew effect. "
