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篇名 增強教學之過程:一種知識管理的進路(下)
卷期 238
並列篇名 "Enhancing the teaching-learning process: A knowledge management approach," by M. Bhusry & J. Ranjan, 2012, International Journal of Educational Management, 26(3), 313-329, © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
作者 何家瑞
頁次 093-105
關鍵字 知識管理科技教育機構智識儲藏資訊科技利益關係人教導學習印度Indiastakeholdersknowledge managementtechnical educational institutionsteachingintellectual repositoriesinformation technologylearning
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238007


目的:本文的目的是要強調,在印度之科技教育機構(technical educationalinstitutions, TEIs)中,知識管理(knowledge management, KM)在教學過程中的必要性,並且確立以知識管理介入為基礎的資訊科技(information technology, IT)對教學過程之影響。設計/方法/進路:本文的進路主要為概念的、描述的。本文研究在印度的科技教育機構中,知識管理對於促進利益關係人之知識分享所扮演的角色。同時,本文詳細地闡述了知識管理在教學過程中的必要性。一個透過智識儲藏(intellectual repositories,IRs)的使用而增強知識分享的知識管理架構將被提出,以增進印度之科技教育機構之教學活動。研究成果:本文作者指出知識管理對於在科技教育機構中增強教學品質的價值,並且強調了相關可靠研究的必需性,即研究有關以知識管理介入為基礎的資訊科技在實施中所帶來的挑戰與益處。研究限制/意涵:本文強調以知識管理之過程與工具,來改善教育科技機構中的教學品質的急迫需求。本文所提出之架構的重要性在於擴大教學過程、改善生產力、增進學術界與研究者、專業人員之溝通,強化學生對於主題之認知與理解,並且提供一個共同平台,以使個人知識導入一個共同知識基地。原創性/價值:本文幫助學者們理解到由知識管理概念、工具以及朝向有品質教學的實踐所支撐的資訊科技之重要性。它為科技教育機構提供了非常有用的訊息,而科技教育機構必須認知到,知識管理的實施將會對教職員、研究者、實踐者、專家與學生之間的知識分享產生影響,並且能為學生帶來有品質的教育。更進一步,以知識管理系統為基礎的資訊科技發展將在極具競爭性的學術界中促進機構的價值。然而,有關在印度之科技教育機構中所提出的架構,仍存在著評估的必要。


Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the need for knowledge management (KM) in the teaching-learning process in technical educational institutions (TEIs) India, and to assert the impact of information technology (IT) based KM intervention in teaching-learning process. Design/methodology/approach – The approach of the paper is basically conceptual and descriptive. The paper studies the role of KM in facilitating knowledge sharing among stakeholders in TEIs in India and elaborates on the need for knowledge management in the teaching-learning process. A KM framework for enhancement of knowledge sharing by the use of shared intellectual repositories (IRs) is proposed for the enhancement of teaching and learning in technical educational institutions in India. Findings – The authors value the impact that KM can have in enhancing the quality teaching and learning in TEIs, and underscore the need for credible research into the benefits and challenges that the implementation of IT-based KM intervention will provide. Research limitations/implications – The paper emphasizes the urgent need for improvement in quality of education in TEIs in India using the tools and processes knowledge management. The importance of the proposed framework lies in augmenting the teaching-learning process, improving productivity, enhancing communication among academia, researchers and professionals, enhancing student perception and understanding of subjects, and providing a common platform for pooling individual knowledge towards common knowledge base. Originality/value – The paper helps academicians to understand the importance of ITsupported KM concepts, tools and practices towards quality teaching and learning. It provides useful inputs to TEIs, which must recognize that implementation of KM will influence knowledge sharing among faculty, researchers, practitioners, experts, professionals and students and enable quality education for students. Furthermore, the development of an IT-based KM system will facilitate the promotion of institutional value in the competitive academic society. However there exists the need to evaluate the proposed framework in TEIs in India.
