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篇名 核心素養學理基礎與國際組織研究成果分析
卷期 238
並列篇名 Analysis of Theoretical Foundation and Research Result of International Organization Regarding National Core Competencies
作者 蔡清田
頁次 106-120
關鍵字 核心素養國民核心素養理論基礎core competenciestheoretical foundationnational core competencies
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238008




The author had articulated concept and reconceptalisation of competence and explored the ideal of competence and core competencies. In this paper, the author enquired more deeply and widely the ideal of national core competencies. Firstly, the author enquired different scholar perspective form different countries. Secondary the author investigated five disciplinary approaches of national core competencies. And thirdly, the author conducted a study based on three international organisations resaerch result, as a basis to build a theorectical foundation of national core competencies in Taiwan.
