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篇名 愛爾蘭高等教育學費政策與助學措施
卷期 238
並列篇名 A Study on Tuition Fees Policy and Financial Support Schemes for Higher Education Students in Republic of Ireland
作者 陳怡如
頁次 121-134
關鍵字 高等教育學費政策愛爾蘭higher educationRepublic of Irelandtuition fee policy
出刊日期 201402
DOI 10.3966/168063602014020238009




The economic development in Republic of Ireland has been greatly benefitted by the expansion of higher education. With the strong tradition of a social welfare state, its tuition fee policy has been reflected on this tradition. In 1995, the government announced the abolishment of tuition fee for its citizens as well as for EU residents. This paper examines the higher education system, the funding system, tuition fee policy and related student grant mechanism of Republic of Ireland in order to find out how the country tries hard to stick to its foundation value as a welfare state in the time of economic depression and continuous higher education expansion. Based on the findings, some recommendations are made for policy makers in Taiwan.
