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篇名 國小教科書內容涵蓋環境教育概念的分布狀況分析
卷期 10
並列篇名 Analysis of Coverage of Environmental Education Concepts in Public Elementary School Textbooks
作者 張自立辛懷梓羅玉潔
頁次 053-078
關鍵字 內容分析法國小南一版教科書環境教育能力指標中小學環境教 育概念content analysiselementary school Nan-I version textbookscapability indicators of environmental educationenvironmental education concepts
出刊日期 201402


本研究針對國小南一版99 學年度低、中、高年級共77冊教科書,以內容分析法及焦點團體討論方式,評析該版教科書各領域內容所涵蓋的環境教育(簡稱環教)概念之分布情形,及其與97新課綱所建議融入各領域環教能力指標數比率之比較。研究結果顯示,低、中、高年級教科書環教概念在11項類別的分布上,尚有概念涵蓋不均的現象;低、中、高年級皆有一些領域教科書,涵蓋環教概念的比率與97課綱建議的比率大致相符,但部分領域教科書,則明顯有比率差距的存在。教科書編寫者宜針對涵蓋環教內容不足領域的教科書,酌予考慮增加環教概念,以求能符應97 課綱之要求。本研究結果可提供作為教師設計環教教學活動及新版教材編著者之改進參考。


The study is a content analysis of the coverage of environmental education concepts in a total of 77 elementary school textbooks published by Nan-I Version during the 2010 academic year. The purpose of this study was to examine the agreement of coverage of environmental education concepts in these textbooks with the capability indicators of environmental education
suitable for different learning subjects according to the 2008 Curriculum Outline. The study shows that all the textbooks for lower grade (grade 1-2), middle grade (grade 3-4) and higher grade (grade 5-6), distributed the uneven coverage under 11 categories; some of the textbooks, which have the proportion of environmental education concepts agree well with the proportion of the capability indicators of environmental education suggested by the 2008 Curriculum Outline, whereas the others do not. Textbook writers should consider increasing proportionately low or completely lacking environmental education concepts in textbook contents to allow students to achieve balance and completeness in their concept learning, and thus improve the effectiveness of integrating environmental education into the seven major fields of learning in the nine-year integrated curriculum. The results of the study may be used as reference for improving environmental teaching materials in the future.
