
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 黃宗羲《明夷待訪錄》之公私觀--兼與盧梭《社會契約論》之比較
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Perception of Public Interests and Private Ends as Reflected in Mingyi Daifang Lu
作者 簡良如
頁次 215-242
關鍵字 黃宗羲明夷待訪錄公與私私欲德性Huang, ZongxiMingyi daifang luPublic interests and personal endsSelfish desierVirtueTHCI
出刊日期 200509




This paper, focusing on Huang Zongxi's Mingyi daifang lu (Waiting for the Dawn), examines the transformation of concepts of public interest and personal ends during the transitional period in Ming-Qing China. Huang's ideas were different from that prevailing in the previous ages and from that of the modern West. Huang divided individual existence in a human society into three categories, namely, attainment of the public interest, realization of private ends, and pursuit of selfish desire. He further elaborated on the formative basis of their patterns of existence and their interactive relationships. Selfish desire, the most important element constituting Rousseau's perception of society, Huang relegated to the degenerate; it existed simply because the concepts of public interests and private ends ceased to exist in society. The ideal world, based on Huang's understanding, was not built on a republic, a desirable form of government to be achieved by all citizens, but on a noble character which was supposed to be an attribute of the ruler and the ruled.
